The Civic Auth Solana API is subject to change as we continue to develop and refine our solution.
Creating a Wallet
When a new user logs in, they do not yet have a Web3 wallet by default. You can create a wallet for them by calling the createWallet function on the user object. Here’s a basic example:
The useUser hook returns a user context object that provides access to the base library's user object in the 'user' field, and adds some Web3 specific fields. The returned object has different types depending on these cases:
If the user has a wallet,
type ExistingWeb3UserContext = UserContext & {
solana: {
address: string // the base58 public key of the embedded wallet
wallet: Wallet // a Solana Wallet object
An easy way to distinguish between the two is to use the userHasWallet type guard.
if (userHasWallet(userContext)) {
user.solana.wallet; // user has a wallet
} else {
user.createWallet();// user does not have a wallet
Using the Wallet
Sending a transaction
const connection = new Connection(/* your rpc endpoint */);
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = user.sol.wallet;
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: publicKey,
toPubkey: new PublicKey(recipient),
lamports: 1000000,
const signature = await sendTransaction(transaction, connection);
Checking the balance
const connection = new Connection(/* your rpc endpoint */);
const { publicKey } = user.solana.wallet;
const balance = await connection.getBalance(publicKey);
Using the Wallet with the Solana Wallet Adapter
The Civic Auth Web3 SDK uses the Solana Wallet Adapter to expose the embedded wallet to React frontends. This allows you to use familiar hooks such as useWallet and useConnection to interact with the wallet.
Make sure to follow the steps described here (React) and here (Next.Js) to get started with the Solana Wallet Adapter.
The Civic Auth Web3 SDK follows the wallet standard, meaning that the Solana Wallet Adapter will automatically discover the embedded wallet.