Available Networks

Please review the Civic Pass Terms of Service carefully before continuing. By integrating Civic Pass, you agree to Civic Pass Terms of Service on behalf of the organization, company or other legal entity for which you act and represent that you have the authority to bind the same. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with this the Civic Pass Terms of Service, you must not continue and may not use the Services.

Civic Pass is available on Arbitrum, Avalanche, Base, Casper, Ethereum, Fantom, Optimism, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Solana, and XDC.

To get started, request the network key for your Civic Pass of choice.

Pass Type



A challenge-response test to determine human or bot.

A video selfie to determine human or bot.

A video selfie to determine 1-user-1-wallet.

Verifies real-world identity using government-issued ID documents.

Need additional countries, on-chain checks, or other verifications? Contact Us ->

Last updated