On-Chain Integration

Your on-chain smart contract has to check for a valid Civic Pass during program execution and reject transactions from non-compliant users (users without an active Civic Pass).

For each blockchain supported by Civic Pass, we provide you with a library that is tailor-made to the programming model of the chain.

Integrating a Civic Pass check in your Solana on-chain program is very easy.

Import the solana_gateway Rust crate from crates.io and call Gateway::verify_gateway_token_account_info

For your program to be able to call the integration library, the following parameters must be passed as inputs to your dApp's transaction:

  • userWallet : The wallet account for the dApp user (e.g. the trader in a defi application). A Civic Pass must have been already issued to this wallet.

  • gateway_token : The address of the Civic Pass (token). This address can be accessed in the dApp through the useGateway hook on the Civic React Component once the user has passed Gatekeeper verification.

  • gatekeeper_network The gatekeeper network on which the Civic Pass has been issued. See here for test keys or contact us.

use solana_gateway::Gateway;

// This check happens before the dApp transaction is processed
fn process() -> ProgramResult {
    // The owner of the gateway token
    let user_wallet: AccountInfo;
    // The gateway token presented by the owner
    let gateway_token: AccountInfo;
    // The gatekeeper network key
    let gatekeeper_network: Pubkey;
    // Check the token is valid. An error here means the token 
    // is not valid for the user's wallet on the gateway network.
        &gateway_token_account_info, &userWallet.key, &gatekeeper_network

Error handling

If something goes wrong or the token is invalid the Gateway call will return a GatewayError. The possible values can be seen in error.rs. For error cases, the dApp smart contract should reject the transaction.

Last updated