⚙️Using the API


The Civic Pass API is a RESTful API that allows Custom Pass holders to manage their passes programmatically from their backends.

See here for a full working example.


The Civic Pass API uses the OAuth Client Credentials Grant for authentication.

To authenticate, you will need your client ID and secret provided to you by Civic.

Sandbox environment

You can also try out our shared sandbox environment. Passes you issue can be seen and managed by everyone else using the sandbox.

  • clientId: dtVTGsKUlkPQ8UXKqSskS1HqNI3hERHT

  • clientSecret: 7DT722BjNlXUp8HVaV_ZjHzopq2Tr12doGB8sBYC-vhPo3Eh0HoidLVATFbxmwZ1

  • Wherever the API requires a gatekeeperNetwork, use our demo pass network: tgnuXXNMDLK8dy7Xm1TdeGyc95MDym4bvAQCwcW21Bf

Note this sandbox environment is only available on testnets. These values should be passed where the API requires a chain (e.g. "ethereum") and a chainNetwork (e.g. "polygonAmoy").

  • solana:devnet

  • ethereum:polygonAmoy

  • ethereum:sepolia

  • ethereum:baseSepolia

  • ethereum:arbitrumSepolia

  • ethereum:optimismSepolia

  • ethereum:bscTestnet

  • ethereum:xdcApothem

  • ethereum:xlayerTestnet

  • ethereum:avalancheCChainFuji

Getting a JWT for the Civic API

const authUrl = "https://auth0.civic.com/oauth/token";
const basicAuth = Buffer.from(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`).toString('base64');
const loginResponse = await fetch(authUrl, {
    headers: {
        authorization: `Basic ${basicAuth}`,
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    body: "grant_type=client_credentials",
    method: "POST"
return (await loginResponse.json()).access_token;

Calling the API

Once you have an access token, you can use it to call the Civic Pass API.

Example: Lookup a pass by wallet address

const apiUrl = "https://api.civic.com/partner";
// See the OpenAPI docs for a full list of available chains and networks
const lookupResponse = await fetch(`${apiUrl}/pass/${chain}/${chainNetwork}/${wallet}`, {
    headers: {
        accept: "application/json",
        authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
return lookupResponse.json();

For full API documentation, see the OpenAPI Docs.

Last updated